Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Dreams of late

The past couple nights have finally brought me some dreams that I actually remember... As I mentioned in the last post I had one that I was listening to a tone. Most likely something I had recorded an audio sigil type thing.

Last night I had one that I was wearing all of my bracelets on one wrist ( normally only  one is on at any given time). And examining them closely.

From an online dream dictionary called dreamforth.
To dream of seeing or wearing a bracelet symbolizes intense feelings of desire, excitement, and stimulation. The dream may also be a suggestion that you need to renew a forgotten relationship or get in contact with an acquaintance from the past. 

Not to big on these standard interpretations but thought I'd include that.

To me these dreams both reflect my focus on magic and spirituality recently.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Electronic Circuit Magick

This is an idea that I have been playing with for months now, and just today sat down to work out some details.

Most likely, some change will occur as time goes on. 

The circuit in the picture is to boost my astral/ lucid dreaming skills. The values where determined buy using the Gematria of None. The 13 at the input is me. 37 at output is my overarching goal.
Each of the resistors represents a step along the way to my final goal ( think about it like what's between me and the goal/ what skills do I need to develop on the way/ what factors are resistant toward my progress).

I've inserted the Linking Sigil (LS, Ellis) as the power source which feeds in to the transistor creating a feedback loop with the input signal (me). What's interesting to me about this set up is the the Ellis is isolated from our intent (the capacitors and pull down resistor will cause an interference free amplification of the input colored by the characteristics of the circuit).

Basically, this is what I would call a logic talisman and is meant to be charged/ have the program start ritually. Then just left to run its course.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Dream Tea

Picked up a pouch of this locally made "Dream Tea" blend not bad timing as my dream machine ran out if batteries right as I hit the bed.

Anyway the tea tasted better than I expected. Tho I did have dreams I only had the slightest recall even as I first woke up I remembered some but couldn't make enough sense if it to write it down.

I might try to smoke some tonight? I dunno. There will be more posts as I play with this.

Edit: well I did indeed smoke some. pleasant light smoke, mild buzzy feel.
Did have dreams but only vaguely remember being with some one and listening to a tone.
As I've been playing with audiomancy I imagine that played a role.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Symbolic Hieronymus/ Plasma Dream machine (Modular thought computer)

Plasma lamp
4x quartz pieces
2x pennies
2x Diodes
Plastic knob

+ magic mirror that I've had for awhile (drawn on in dry erase marker to form a triangle of art with some personal symbols) as a base. 

= Plasma Thought Computer.

The diodes on top act as a feed back loop ,and act as a clamp to hold something symbolic of the procedures intention. I was not originally intending to deviate from the design of the Plasma Dream machine but... when I thought about the diodes being polarized, or one directional I realized I could use them to set up a small energy vortex.

The knob is used to fine tune the energy (yes this is more or less symbolic you can think of it as dialing mental frequencies). The exposed portion of the mirror (tarot card, stone, something symbolic)
Is used in place of the "stick pad". You would feel that area for a change in Chi pressure or a magnetism or pull or whatever.

*King of Cups is a sort of guiding spirit, in this case btw. My goal being actually syncing up with this thing and having lucid dreams/ improved dream recall/ astral experiences ect.