Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Elemental Cypher Script.

The Elemental Cypher Script of Aum/Pur. 

B= L
C= L.1
D= L.2          } AIR
F= L.3
G= L.4

H= X
J= X.1
K= X.2         }FIRE
L= X.3
M= X.4

N= Z
P= Z.1
Q= Z.2      }WATER
R= Z.3
S= Z.4

T= O
V= O.1
W= O.2      }EARTH
X= O.3
Z= O.4

Vowels= V    }SPIRIT

The purpose of this cypher is to both magically encrypt English words and to construct elemental barbarous words.

The order of the elemental attribution is simple. Earth is the lowest or base... Water sitting upon it but extending down... Fire extending upward... Air on top.

Why L,X,Z,O:

Firstly it was important to be able to type them fairly easily, on any device.

L air- reaching from ground straight up.

X fire- like two crossed sticks crossed. The basic component of a camp fire.

Z water- like waves... Also deep sleep unconscious mind.

O earth- the sphere if earth it's self. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

AUM/PUR ( Aetheric Entity)


8- Hod- Air

9- Yesod- Water 

Purpose: Aetheric Magic- astral travel, dreaming, time and manipulation if subtle energy.

Powerful with any magic used on astral plane.

Kabbalah: AUM/PUR is a master of the path between The spheres of Hod and Yesod. The planes of reason and logic to imagination and emotion.

Tarot: Sun

Planetary: Moon > Mercury.

Colors: Blue, Black, Indigo.

Orange as an accent.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tetrahedral Emitter

Made the following instructions in the geckos guide to interdimensional machines.
It's basically a plastic tetrahedral pyramid... 10x10x10".
Covered inside and out with heavy duty foil.
I tested to make sure the resistance was equal all the way around. There is a wire you connect to a stereo then send a frequency of your choice into it.
I've been playing with 432 Hz to get used to this thing.
Basically instead of hearing the frequency you create a standing wave of electrical energy, that allows you to sit with in a field of that frequency.

So far I kinda feel like it makes my scalp tingle... And I cracked up a few times while doing it which has lead me to believe 432hz is a very pleasure related energy.
In theory I should be able to use this effectively with the radionic box. Tho is still need to text that theory.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Frequency (Hz) to color chart

Disclaimer: I did not create this chart, the owner is denoted on the copyright notice.
I am placing it here for archival and retrieval purposes.

This seems to correlate with most other peoples work tho I have seen a variant floating  around the net.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Peng Lu Ji An

The 4 Primary Jing energies. 

Jing being a primordial/ foundational Chi/ Ki energy. Possibly good for manifestation. 

A web site called clear's says that Jing is directed by the mind.

Peng- Ward Off- outward expanding

Lu- Roll Back- use/ redistribute incoming force

Ji- Press- two forces meet defining spactial relationships

An(on)- Push- uproot/ disperse opposing energy

These primal energies can be collected to raise ones personal chi energy.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Drawing 150 volts from a plasma lamp running on 4 AAA

Playing around with my plasma lamp again last night.

Before I was getting around 70 volts at the penny nodes... 

Messing around with different configurations of things I learned that if I place a conductor below the lamp it significantly increases my power output.

I'm assuming this works on some sort of polarity principle since there was conductors at the top and not bottom before...?

Anyway after a few tests I set it on a piece of copper clad.

My voltage at the penny spiked to 145 volts. I am sure this is very low amperage. Next we shall try hooking a light bulb to it. 

And creating leads to my radionics box.

Here's some pics.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

3 Knob Radionic Box Build Notes

Here's the finished unit the lighting is a bit poor I'm afraid.

An old radio antenna
3 potentiometers 
A steel cup
16 magnets
An index card 
Copper pad
Bit of paint 
Quartz crystal 
And some wire
3 knobs

that's it...probably.

The cup (input/witness well) and magnets form the basic shape of a classic psychotronic device called the magnetron. This is for now the main power source but in the future there will be an amp and a gain stage that will add lots of even order harmonics to the signal.

These go thru the three pots, the antenna and stick pad/ output plate are wired in parallel.

It's interesting to me this is very close to sympathetic magic... We could for instance, put a picture or some other link to our goal in the input and a few strands of my hair on the output if it were to affect myself that is.

After setting the rates I suppose I'll let it go over night to start with.
Note the crystal just wire wrapped on input wire that will be upgrade very soon lol.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Further experiments with plasma

I have removed the diodes from my plasma dream machine. And instead fixed a brass tube to the top to make a sort of witness well in radionic terms tho Im not sure this falls in that field.

Tubes just a bit off center but that's ok it's not held on to tight, there maybe a second chance.
And I built the pyramid antenna to hang above it.

My first experiment was a success so far with this system.

Based on uncle Chuckies pyramid amp but with inner and outer coils of course.

I did manage to get that dreadful tape off too.

Future home (box) for a radionic tuner.

Wooden box made by my Grandfather.
Just a bit big but it could have a cool steam punk kinda look when it's done.
Honestly gonna take my time on this, (Ha)...

Right now I'm thinking 4 knobs: 1 for the stick pad and 3 for the witness. using numerology... barely. The notion that 4 is the number of Manifestation stuck in my sub conscious for some reason. So utilize it.

100% I will be using a home made 555 timer amplifier. 
NOTE: check 555... Gematria and,
Would like to play with adding a gain stage with lots of even order harmonics.

I'll be drawing up and posting my plans for these within a few days.

More dream journeys

Few nights ago dreamed of blood sucking insects.
White ladybug beetles with blue spots that feed like tics. I only remember seeing two but one of them was in my neck and I had to remove it.

From an online dream dictionary 

parasites (worms, etc.) Feelings of being sabotaged in some aspect of your life, either by other people or by yourself, or that you are being taken advantage of, or that someone or something in your life is sapping your energy. 
Read more at: http://www.mydreamvisions.com/dreamdictionary/symbol/701/ Copyright 2013 MyDreamVisions.com

This morning as I lay in bed half awake.
I felt like I entered a spiral vortex of energy. I became part of it all my molecules swirling and pulling in cosmic energy.

I had woken up and smoked a hit and laid back down, before this transcendent. Experience.

Again from the dictionary.

rotate Spinning in circles, such as a spinning top or a person spinning around, can represent: Repeating the same actions again and again Having enough energy or momentum to keep going in a process A broad or 360-degree view, or seeing all sides of a situation 
Read more at: http://www.mydreamvisions.com/dreamdictionary/symbol/2379/ Copyright 2013 MyDreamVisions.com

Interesting both seem to point toward relationships with energy.